Little Old Lady Seniora on Libya: Help!
Can’t Seniora/Sanioura and his inept government get anything right? From changing the official holiday schedule to the handling of Nahr el Bared and the constitutional crises, I have yet to be impressed with ONE action or ONE forceful intelligent statement from anyone in the current government.
Here’s the latest (according to Naharnet):
Libya and Khadafy (Qaddafi) are seen fomenting the terrible events of Nahr el Bared, with their incredible toll in human life, destruction and threat to security and the Seniora government’s response is:
Discreet back channel complaints to Nicolas Sarkozy. Help Nick! Please tell the Libyans off!
Beirut asked Sarkozy to Pressure Khadafy into Aborting Lebanon Destabilization Scheme [Title]The rest of it is here.
Khadafy, according to the information, was convinced by Syria and Iran to revive his backing of such Palestinian and Sunni Lebanese factions in the northern city of Tripoli, the southern city of Sidon as well as the capital Beirut and the western sector of the Bekaa valley.
According to credible information received by Naharnet, the Lebanese request [to get help from Sarkozy] was made through diplomatic channels following confirmed reports of recent meetings between Khadafy and leader of the pro-Syrian Palestinian guerrilla group which is active in Lebanon.
Atta boy Seniora! Stick with your failing plan:
-Don’t tell your people anything. Let rumors fly at every turn and, once in a blue moon, leak crappy information to a foreign newspaper that no one in your country reads.
-Don’t put any pressure on, nor remove, any security official failing at his job.
-If Libya is trying, yet again; to destroy your country, wait 30 years like we did with Syria before you publicly accuse them.
-Never ever break diplomatic relations** with enemy countries (what else to call them). And surely don’t ask the Arab League nor the UN to do anything about it.
-Most impressively: go beg some Western leader for protection. After seeing you kiss Syrian ass forever, your supporters and opponents will be very impressed, and deterred, by seeing you kiss elegant French ass for a change.
The usual excuse for inaction in Lebanon is that some cockamamie group or sect opposes such. Certainly Amal, if not the whole Shia community, loathes Libya (as it should) for its role in the disappearance of Imam Moussa Sadr on a trip there in 1978. With M14 behind Seniora, what is the problem with doing the right thing and showing firmness? What’s the excuse this time?
** I am unsure about the detailed relations between Libya and Lebanon since 1978, but in doing a quick search, I came about this 2003 AP story: Libya cut relations with Lebanon over some Berri/Nasrallah comments. Yes, you read it right: THEY cut with US, while our Foreign Affairs Moron of the time Jean Obeid had “no comment”.
At 7/22/07, 12:42 PM,
Ecce Libanus said…
Well, that's Lebanon's scourge JW! No statesmen and no true knights in shining armor; only spineless amoebas and flunkies... And the rare exception that shows SOME backbone every generation or so, gets either bumped off or, better still, gets defamed, exiled and impugned ("tekhwiin" is a Lebanese national sport!!.)
Wasn't it the moron Pierre Gemayel Sr. (God rest his soul) who used to say "Lebanon's strength is in its weakness"??? I'm sure it might have had some relevance in its context back then :/ but there you have it. When Lebanon is in need of a Fakhreddin or a Barca, it gets an unprincipled Phoenician merchant.
It was the great Michel Chiha who once lamented "nous sommes un peuple de marchands; c'est pourquoi les ossements de nos pères sont plus chauds que notre vie."
("Et nous étions ainsi pensifs pour la patrie" --Victor Hugo.)
At 7/22/07, 2:20 PM,
JoseyWales said…
All these clowns pretend to be steadfast facing Israel but will gladly let any Arab crap on their heads any day of the week.
BTW, if and when you visit bookstores on your Leb trip, I'd be curious to read your comments on what's displayed over there (fiction and non, local and foreign lit...)
At 7/23/07, 2:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Peace in Lebanon:
Un dirigeant du Parti Ouvrier Kurde a révélé que ses forces avaient intercepté dernièrement un convoi transportant des armes en provenance d'Iran, et en direction du Liban. Les armes ont été confisquées.
lundi 23 juillet 2007 - 15:19
Loin des caméras et du Conseil de Sécurité, les combats se poursuivent au Liban, entre l'armée régulière et les terroristes palestiniens du Fatah El-Islam. Trois soldats libanais ont été tués ce matin près du camp de Nahar El Bared, ce qui porte à 116 le nombre de soldats tués depuis le début de cette insurrection téléguidée par Damas et Téhéran.
At 7/23/07, 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 7/23/07, 3:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Aujourd'hui le Président iranien rencontre à Damas Nasrallah!
Rappelons que 10 jours avant la guerre de 2006, ouverte par l'attaque par le Hezbollah d'une patrouille israélienne en territoire souverain israélien, le bombardement massif simultané des villages -tous civils- et des positions militaires en territoire israélien le long de la frontière, et l'enlèvement de deux soldats réservistes israéliens, s'étaitent réuni un peit comité Bashar Assad, le petit fils de Khomeiny et Nasrallah pour fixer les dernières modalités de l'agression contre Israël - ce "rappelons" en début de phrase est une oeuphémisme: cette rencontre n'a été devoilé au publique israélien qu'un an après les evènements et connaissant la qualité éthique de la médiatique française.
Nasrallah est peut être à Damas pour rapporter à ses patrons les discussions en huis clos tenues le week end dernier près de Paris. Mais connaissant Nasrallah, il est certain qu'un tel rapport ne se limite pas à un de-brieffing sans aucune proposition d'action: la gande question que les messieurs de la PAF du Quai d'Orsay devrait se poser doit donc être quelle sont les décisions opérationelles qui seront prises par Nasrhallah, Assad et Téhéran pour contrez toute avance vers une régularisation politique du Liban! D'où la nécessité d'envoyer un emissaire, d'urgence, à Damas: car il ne fait aucun doute, et les PAFmen de Paris le save très bien, à Damas le trio Hezbollah-Syrie-Iran fera tout pour contrer la politique française de regularisation de la situation au Liban!
Dans cette perspective l'invitation des nazillions du Hezb aux pourpaler de la Celle St Cloud n'en est que plus étonnante!
Ces gens vétus de noir, defilants avec le salut nazis mangent à la table de Kouchner et les "gens de gauche" les "progressistes" se taisent car eux aussi sont tombés dans le panneau de la "libération nationale" libano-shiite!
At 7/23/07, 3:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hizballah’s Nasrallah declares in a war speech from Tehran he has missiles which can reach all parts of Israel including Tel Aviv
Hassan Nasrallah recorded his speech Saturday, July 21, in Tehran for broadcast Monday, July 23 by al Jazeera TV. The station began running a promo Sunday night in which the Hizballah leader also said he had refrained from blasting Tel Aviv in the 2006 war from choice.
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is holding a two-day council of war with leaders of Hizballah, Hamas and other Palestinian radical groups, as the second round of the talks he and Iranian military chiefs held in Damascus Friday with Syrian president Bashar Assad and heads of his armed forces.
Al Jazeera paid a high fee for exclusive use of the Nasrallah tape, keen to preserve its lead as the preferred platform for top-line radical Muslims, such as al Qaeda big shots.
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