The Obvious, the False, and the Stupid
Is there any hope for a country where the obvious needs to be repeated daily? What does the level of debate and rhetoric say about the capabilities of people and of their leadership?
It’s scary when the wide majority does not grasp the obvious. It’s even scarier when the “elites” uttering the obvious seem to believe that pearls of wisdom are flowing from their lips. And when our "leaders" are not dabbling in the obvious, they are spouting falsehoods or sheer nonsense.
Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani urged all Lebanese, Beirutis in particular, against any drift towards sectarian strife.
"Sectarian strife" is not good. We get it. But why Beirutis in particular O Grand Mufti? Pray tell.
Here’s a genius who would not know the obvious if it bit him in the ass (and I used to be a fan of the guy):
Aoun Says Erecting Blazing Roadblocks is 'Legal'.Isn't that OBVIOUSLY wrong? I am no lawyer but I’ll trust Carlos Edde on this one. This man, Aoun, used to run the army and the country and has countless supporters who think blocking roads is acceptable/legal democratic expression. How hard can it be to heap ridicule on these people and hurt them in a media war? (Hint, hint, March 14).
When we are this lame, others get into the act too.
The Condi-scending foreigner feels free to tell us:
Rice: Only Lebanese Army Should Carry Weapons.Condescension is sweet. Even contempt is too good for us and I mean that.
The new head of the worthless UN, heir to Kofi-the-ineffectual:
Ban Urges Lebanon's Feuding Factions to Refrain from Violence.Tsk, tsk, you Lebanese! Violence is not good. Behave!
Here's another delusional guy:
Lahoud hopes UN will sponsor 'real' Mideast peaceBwahhaaahhaaaa.
In his letter [to the UN] Lahoud said that no powerful state has the right to impose hegemony on a weak one.Unless its' Syria screwing Lebanon, of course.
No round up of idiocy would be complete without the old it's-bad-because-it-helps-Israel argument. And so the Tripolidiot Omar Karami chimes in:
"Any Sunni-Shiite strife only serves Israel's interests, as does any Christian-Muslim strife," he added.Tripolidiot goes on:
"Such actions as those witnessed Thursday serve to destroy the country, after which healing divisions would become very difficult."Maybe that's why Beirutis need to be particularly careful. They don't have a Tripolidiot to defuse the violence.
And here's a real beauty, President Lahoud again:
"I urge all political leaders to pull their supporters from the streets to allow security forces to do their duty and return security and stability to affected neighborhoods and evacuate those surrounded and isolated in the clashes," Lahoud said.PLEASE RE-READ the above statement carefully. It's surreal! In other words, he is telling the troublemakers to go home SO THAT THEN the security forces are ALLOWED (allowed?) to do their job.
What do we need security forces for, you triple moron, if the troublemakers go home? You and Milquetoast Seniora and aspiring-puppet Sleimane should ORDER, not urge, these hooligans and thugs to go home. Then, if they don't, send the troops to go after them. You are waiting for the law-breakers to stop breaking the law so that the security forces are ALLOWED to do their job?
Someone! Please, pretty please, someone tell me that I am not alone banging my head against the wall.